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Mind & Motion


Body Stories Intensive™

Spend a full day or full week immersed in a multidisciplinary adventure that includes dancing, meditating, writing, drumming, creating and sharing our stories as a way of exploring the body's stories and our ideas of identity, relationship, culture, health, power, gender, community and transformation.


Great for: Day long or week long retreats, or as one part of a larger learning curriculum on mindfulness of the body, social justice, diversity and inclusion, advanced yoga teacher training or body positive immersion.


Currently offered as part of the Yoga Mindfulness and Social Change Certificate Program at Loyola Marymount University



Dancing into Stillness™

A facilitated approach to dance/movement practice that highlights tending to sensory based  mindfulness skills in action.


This class is a playful, creative way to put practice on its feet.



Rhythms of Balance™

A class that rolls facilitated simple dance, rhythmic play using hand-held instruments, and evidence based Fall Risk Reduction skills all into one. It all boils down to paying attention to your sensory experience in relation to others and the environment. Life saving gets funky and mindful.


Great for: Private sessions, Senior Living, Workshops and special events that cater to folks at mid-life and beyond.


Marilyn also offers instruction on tending balance as a certified FallProof Balance and Mobility specialist. Learn more >



All Bodies Move! Personal Training

(specializing in mid-life and beyond)

All personal training sessions integrate instruction in sensory based mindfulness practice while clients learn how to develop a keen sense of body awareness, strength, mobility and agility to last lifetime. It’s a “complete” whole person approach where each client is met right where they are, nurtured and cared for every step of the way.

Learn more >




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Westchester, CA 90045

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