Playa Vista Mindfulness
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Helping you live a more balanced, joy-filled life.
Learn scientifically researched, customizable approaches to whole-person wellness from Westchester/Playa Vista's leading Mindfulness Coach.
Navigate change
Manage overwhelm
Optimize perfomance
Improve relationships
Re-discover inspiration
Improve your life, one moment at a time...
Focus on what is going on inside and around you, using 3 core skills working together:
Directing your attention on what you want and holding it there for as long as you want.
Tracking, exploring, and untangling your sensory experience in real time.
See - Hear - Feel
Sensory Clarity
Allowing your sensory experience to come and go without push or pull.

About Marilyn
I was introduced to the idea of meditation and Yoga in high school. When I graduated in January of my senior year , at the suggestion of my guitar teacher, I moved up to Pumpkin Hollow Farm in Craryville NY- home of Blavatsky and the Theosophists. This was the beginning of a lifelong quest for understanding the deeper aspects of my human experience. This has been a theme in all of my work in the performing and healing arts as I have studied with a wide range of teachers in meditation, movement, somatic arts, dance, theatre and touch therapy. And while all of these experiences deeply enriched my development, there was some fundamental skills I had yet to develop.
This became glaringly obvious twenty-one years ago at the happiest time of my life. I was one year into a new marriage and a new mother of beautiful healthy twin girls and yet I was miserable. I was 2 years into a kind of insomnia where I could be lucky to have 8 hours of sleep a week! Clearly something was bothering me, but I had no idea at the time what it was. Anxiety had me wrapped around her little finger. Even though I was at least 10 years into a daily meditation practice I was heading into deep depression and nearing the end of my rope. My suffering was unbearable.
The first time I contacted Shinzen Young, a complete stranger to me at the time, he told me, “Marilyn I can’t help you sleep, but I can teach you how to rest deeply. I can’t eliminate your pain, but I can certainly teach you how to not suffer. Make sense? Ok, then, let’s begin.” I dedicated myself to mindfulness practice out of pain and desperation, but once I overcame my initial problem of sleeplessness and anxiety I continued to practice. Life was moving quickly and with the death of loved ones, and my children growing up so quickly, my urgency for presence, attention understanding and appreciation of this precious life became imperative.
As a Mindfulness Coach I want to empower you to trust your own innate wisdom- your greatest teacher- as we explore this path of awakening and liberation together. It is only in caring for ourselves that we become more able to show up "out there," to be of service, and to make the world a better place. In here, out there. It is my greatest joy to share this creative and inspiring path with you.
Check out the resources page for some great articles on mindfulness at work, in daily life, and in family life. And there are a few guided practices you can listen or download as well
Want to know more for yourself, group, organization or team? Call me for a free consultation.